Membership and Accessibility Levels

Just Visiting

You do not need to register to work through the open access pages.

Hopefully you have read a couple of these pages, and already have a good idea of :

  • Why the series is being put together.
  • What the series is mostly about.
  • What it aims to achieve.


Subscribe as an Individual

When you subscribe as an individual you get full access to all web-books in the series.

Subscribe through your club (for free)

If your club has the club subscription package and they have approved your request to subscribe through them, then you get access to the full web-book series at no cost to you, and minimal cost to your club. This is by far, the best value option available.






What is the difference between

individual subscription and subscribing using your clubs subscription package.

(Assuming it has been set up by your club).



This big difference is cost. There is no difference in accessibility.

An individual subscription costs $20 for life long membership. (Unless there is a promotion running which reduces this cost).

Where as a club can buy a club membership package which would allow all members in the club to be able to subscribe using this package. For example, the club can buy a $100 package, and this which would allow the club to offer 100 members subscription to the full web-book series. This equates to a cost of $1 per member, and if the club is happy to cover this cost, then the cost to members is $0.


If your club does not have the club subscription package, then consider setting one up for your club.

[See the links below or in the drop down menu to do this].








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